Wednesday, March 27, 2013

(no) weight loss wednesday 3.27.13

Here's how my losing weight usually goes: lose a little for a few weeks then stall (or be up a little) for a few weeks then lose a little more. This week and last week have been the stall weeks. I'm actually up about a pound. I didn't take a picture of the scales with a higher number because that just sucks. I understand that it's the overall downward trend and not one (or two) week's results that matter. But it's still frustrating to eat right and make good choices and not lose at all.

This picture from Tumbler seems appropriate.
Since the weather is getting a little nicer, I think I want to give running a try again. I tried the couch-to-5K program before. But my fat ass is too out of shape to even do the first week. I've read other blogs about getting started running and I think I just have to do it, start slow and for short distances and build up as I can. We'll see...

Yesterday RJ was a sickie so I stayed home with him. I am so not cut out to be a stay at home mom!  What do those ladies do to keep their kids entertained all day??? I think it was worse because RJ was only semi-sick. He had a high fever the night before and was cranky as hell yesterday. Of course it was on Rob's shift day so I got to enjoy that quality time all by myself.  Is it bad that I was ready to come back to work today??? I really do love my kid and I'm glad he's feeling better, but I was ready to pull my hair out! Here's the little sweetheart with his new tractor kit that kept him occupied for 30 minutes or so. And yes, I know that's for older kids. But it's not like I left him alone to eat the paint. I was right there while he tasted it.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are so honest on your blog! I can't stand those people who act like life is picture perfect all the time haha. Love you :)
